Outdoor Growing VS Indoor Growing Cannabis (Hemp) | Mamoona Ghaffar


Outdoor Growing VS Indoor Growing Cannabis (Hemp) | Mamoona Ghaffar

Most agricultural crops are exclusively grown outdoors. Cannabis, a versatile plant that can flourish under a diurnal or 24-hour light cycle, is modified well for the indoor environment.

The basic requirements for Growing Hemp Cannabis in 2021 are:

Terroir is the phenomenon of flavor cannabis grown outdoors is richer in taste n flavor profile. That’s because of environment where it is growing imparts some of its natural flavors onto the plant.

10 important points for growing outdoor VS indoor cannabis/hemp in 2021 are mentioned below:

1.     Lower cost for outdoor cannabis

Cannabis can grow outdoors at a lower cost as it requires far fewer resources and is less expensive than plants treated indoors. Growing Hemp uses the natural environment to stimulate its growth and does not require artificial, high-intensity lighting.

Compared to indoor-grown cannabis, outdoor ones typically require fewer soil amendments, fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides.

Evan Mills reports in Energy Policy that an average kilo of cannabis grown indoors is connected with 4600 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. 

“From the perception of public figure consumers, a solo Cannabis cigarette represents 1.5 kg (3 pounds) of CO2 emissions (Russo, 2017).

Although outdoor cannabis, with its greatly lesser carbon footprint, will constantly be happening in the sustainability competition. 

2.     Higher cost for indoor cannabis

Evan Mills reports in Energy Policy that an average kilo of cannabis grown indoors is connected with 4600 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. 

Indoor growing will cost a decent amount initially, but over time it is more expensive. Indoor growing will be a better long-term investment, whether it’s the expenditure on the lights or how costly your temperature control system is. That’s the worth of maintaining that control.

3.     Maintenances

The significant difference between growing outdoors and indoors is control and maintenance. With indoor control, you can sustain the temperature, lighting, water levels, and every other aspect associated with growing cannabis. But outdoors, you will have to deal with the altering weather. For some natives, that are a component of the amusing.

4.     Harmonize the plant’s natural life cycle

It’s impossible to create a replica of nature’s supreme blueprint when growing cannabis indoors. Compared to indoor plants, outdoor cannabis is exposed to a full spectrum of light from the sun, moon, and stars. Outdoor cultivation also makes natural airflow and ventilation; no electric fans are needed.

Scientists report that cannabinoid production is supreme in ambient light.

5.     Ecology and resiliency

When growing outdoors, a farmer has more liberties to put into practice sustainable methods of cultivation.

The methods utilize a variety of natural techniques to sustain a successful ecosystem:

Companion planting avoids growing in a mono-culture and brings in a variety of plant species to implement complementary natural pest management, which contributes to a diverse, healthy ecosystem.

It is feasible to some degree with indoor growing, but the opportunities for permaculture techniques are limited indoors.

6.     Remedial horticulture

Cultivators who work with sun-grown plants get a perfect prescribed amount of nature therapy just by being outdoors. That’s especially important in a society where people are generally disconnected from their natural environment; getting outside can help to balance this deficit—an essential source of Vitamin D and much more.

Outdoor cannabis farmers also benefit from bathing in the symphony of smells and organic aromas indigenous to the local terroir.

 It’s our good fortune that many of the same compounds plants produce under stress have medicinal properties that help humans deal with stress.

7.     Quality

Going by the side of control, the quality of indoors usually grows better than outdoor ones. The natural plant receives less damage, so the end product is a typically fresh bud. However, experienced outdoor growers will be talented at producing just like a high-quality strain, indoors or outdoors, although they might be a little less beautiful if grown outside.

8.     Trimming

Like quality, cannabis grown outdoors will entail more trimming than indoor marijuana. It is essential if you’re expanding to sell to other people. People want to buy a clean, sleek bud, not one that looks like it just ripped right out of the ground.

9.     Endeavor for cannabis

While outdoor grows may need extra trimming, indoor grow to require more effort overall. Outdoors may involve watering and monitoring, but you won’t have to worry about lighting or temperature. But indoor growth means you must regularly monitor and tweak your setup to produce the best product.

10.     Appearance and feel

Cannabis grown outdoors is usually darker and experiences a more weathered appearance. That’s because outdoor ones are grown in practice with several elements like rain, pests, sunlight, moonlight, wind, and temperature swings compared to those that grow indoors.

In contrast, Cannabis that has grown indoors is usually lighter in color or typically more bright green that can feature several more brilliant colors such as orange, purple, and red.

The flowers of indoor hemp are often more tightly packed and feature more trichomes than their outdoor counterparts.

Indoor cannabis often has a rich scent palate that smells like lavender, vanilla, citrus, and coffee (Mamoona, 2019).

Growing Hemp Cannabis in a Greenhouse 

We are growing Hemp Cannabis tremendously in the greenhouse for the best production and growth under control.

A greenhouse growing can strap up sunlight all year round while allowing an expert horticulturist to precisely control environmental factors that look after plants from contamination and infestation. A technique known as light deprivation ("light dep") can also influence the sun's rays. It can change the daily grow cycle in a greenhouse so that farmers can harvest three or four crops per year, similar to indoors but with less energy consumption.

 In many respects, a greenhouse proposes the ideal combination of a controlled, reliable growing process that utilizes natural sunlight.

Cannabis, whether grown outdoors, indoors, or in a greenhouse, should be tested for pathogens, pesticide residue, and other contaminants before it is sold. Product labels should also include information about cannabinoids and terpene content.

Growing Marijuana Outdoors


  • Only a single harvest per year unless you live close to the equator

  • Plants must be planted at a definite time of the year and regularly; there can only be one crop a year

  • Longer Grow Time

  • Cheapest start-up costs since there are free light and ventilation

  • Often have larger yields than indoor crops since outdoor plants typically have a profusion of room to grow and unlimited sunshine

  • Many people experience that outdoor growing makes the most flavorful buds


  •  Must be near a water source or from the grow spot
  •  Not practical for most city-dwellers, who would have to travel to a remote grow site

Growing Marijuana indoors | Mamoona Ghaffar 

Growing Marijuana 


  •  Shorter grow time
  •  Easier to be discreet about growing
  •  Can have many crops a year (perpetual harvest is possible)
  •  Many growers suppose that indoor buds are the premier quality buds. In medical states, indoor buds are sold at much higher prices than outdoor buds (Haze)


  • High start-up costs 
  • Maintenance charges (electricity) can get expensive depending on the cultivation system and the number of plants
  • More upkeep than an outdoor grow
  • Must keep high-quality ventilation and uphold a clean grow area


Haze, N. (n.d.). GrowWeedEasy. Retrieved from Growing Cannabis Indoors vs. Outdoors: https://www.growweedeasy.com/indoors-vs-outdoors
Mamoona. (2019, August 21). Mission Cannabis Club. Retrieved December 9, 2020, from INDOOR VS OUTDOOR CANNABIS: https://www.missioncannabisclub.com/education/indoorvsoutdoor
Misulonas, J. (n.d.). civilized. Retrieved December 9, 2020, from 7 Differences Between Growing Cannabis Indoors vs. Outdoors: https://www.civilized.life/articles/differences-growing-marijuana-indoors-vs-outdoors/
Russo, S. (2017, February 28). Project CBD. Retrieved December 9, 2020, from SUNGROWN VS. INDOOR CANNABIS CULTIVATION: https://www.projectcbd.org/outdoor-vs-indoor-cannabis-cultivation

